Thursday, March 24, 2016

Little Chute Bike & Pedestrian Plan

Village of Little Chute
Bike and Pedestrian Plan

The Village Board will be holding a public meeting on Wednesday, April 6th at 6:00 p.m. during the Regular Board Meeting in regards to the Village of Little Chute’s Bike and Pedestrian Plan. Every 5 years the Parks, Recreation, & Forestry Department updates the village’s Bike and Pedestrian Plan. During this cycle of renewal we are updating the Pedestrian & Bicycle Facilities Recommendations Map. This map designates locations for new and existing bike lanes, signed bike routes, and shared use paths throughout the Village. These routes, lanes, and paths are installed either when an existing road is being reconstructed or when money is available to do the striping, signing, or paving through the village budget. Below I have included the definitions for a bike lane, signed route, and shared use path as written in our Bike & Pedestrian Plan.

Bike Lane:  A portion of the roadway which has been designated by striping, signing and pavement markings for the preferential or exclusive use of bicyclists. (AASHTO) They (bicycle lanes) are usually 4-6 feet wide. Bicycle lanes are perceived by many bicyclists as being safer and thus encourage bicycling on these facilities. (CPORP)

Signed Route:  A shared roadway which has been designated by signing (“Bike Route”) as a preferred route for bicycle use. (AASHTO)

Shared Use Path:  A bikeway physically separated from motorized vehicular traffic by an open space or barrier and either within the highway right-of-way or within an independent right-of-way. Shared use paths may also be used by pedestrians, skaters, wheelchair users, joggers and other non-motorized users. (AASHTO) 

On April 6th the Village Board is specifically discussing the map of proposed and existing bike lanes, signed bike routes and shared use paths. The entire village is invited to come to this public meeting and share their inputs on this plan. If you have any questions prior to the public meeting please call the Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Director at 920-423-3868.

Click on the following link for a full PDF file of the proposed Pedestrian & Bicycle Facilities Recommendations Map.

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